Tax Day Approaches

Well, it’s finally June! 2020 is half over, if you can believe it, and I for one just can’t wait to see how the second half tops everything we’ve gotten so far!  It’s almost better than Game of Thrones.  Remember those horrible wildfires in Australia?  They were a big deal, or so we thought…

Back to business.  Tax Day is still July 15th this year and we don’t expect that to change, so if you haven’t filed yet, you need to get on it!  Let me know if you have questions or need help organizing or getting your documents over to us.  If you’d rather come in for an appointment, we are in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesday; just call or email and I’ll get you on the schedule.

And a Stimulus note – if you haven’t received your Stimulus Payment yet because the IRS can only print and mail about 5 million checks a week (that sounds like a lot, but the line is really long), the IRS is testing a new system mailing prepaid debit cards instead of checks.  So, if you receive a debit card in the mail (probably a very generic envelope), don’t toss it like an unwanted credit card offering!  It’s real!  Supposedly fee free too, but I’m sure there’s fine print.

If you mailed your taxes instead of e-filing and haven’t heard anything from the IRS, you’re not alone.  Millions of pieces of mail are piling up at the IRS including tax returns, letter correspondences, etc. (though they cashed that check your sent them weeks ago!).  The IRS is slowly bringing back staff, but their backlog is enormous, and you likely won’t hear from them for months.

As always, please email or call us if you have any questions, though I’m at a complete loss as to what’s next for this apocalyptic year!  I thought the murder wasps would finish us off…