The End Days

Quick reminder time.  Tax Day this year is May 17, 2021.  2 weeks from today!  You still have time to get your documents to us, but the clock is seriously ticking away.  We also have limited appointments available in our office, so please schedule ASAP if you want to come in to see us.

If May 17 just won’t happen for you this year, let me know that you need an extension until October 15.  Keep in mind that this extension is time to file, not time to pay, and the IRS will assess interest on any balance due starting May 18.  

Refunds Most states, including Georgia, are taking 2-3 weeks to send out refunds, but the IRS is slooow this year!  We have many clients reporting waits of well over a month.  Alas, there’s nothing you or we can do to speed up the Federal Gov’t.  It’s not like we pay their salaries!

Office Hours – Through May 17 our office hours are M-F 9-5, Sat 9-2.  You can drop-off your taxes any time, but if you come by after hours, please use the mail slot on our side door (where you park) and make sure your phone number is on your packet.  Of course, you can also still use TeleTaxPrep.

As always, feel free to call or email me with any questions.