Summer Tax Update

Happy summer and ugh Georgia heat!  If you are still waiting on the $250-$500 Georgia Tax Rebate, you are not alone.  “Soon” seems to mean something different to our government than what I learned as a kid…  Also, only people who paid Georgia tax in 2020 are eligible.  That means many lower income people, retired people, and students are going to be disappointed.  ☹

 If you filed an extension this year, please don’t wait until October 15th to get us your tax documents. Sooner is better, especially if you think you owe them $$.  Let me know if you need help organizing or sending over your stuff.

The IRS has upgraded it’s Where’s My Federal Refund? website to support the last few prior years. Cool, but it still doesn’t tell you much other than “you have it” or “you don’t have it but we’re working on it”.

We are typically in the office on Tuesdays and most Thursdays and sometimes other days over the summer, but the best way to contact us during the off-season is email.  You can also call and leave a message, but we respond to emails quicker.  If you’d rather come to the office, please call first to make sure we are available.