Small Business Update

I’ve been trying to wait until I had direct feedback on the stimulus for small businesses before sending yet another email, but… No first hand knowledge yet.  Lots of news reporting and all that blah blah blah, but not a single small business owner I know has gotten money from the SBA to date. 

That said, many many many are trying!  And “small business” doesn’t just mean s-corps and LLC’s; sub-contractors are also small business owners.  Pretty much everyone working but not paid by W-2 is a small business owner, and many of you may not even know you qualify for disaster relief!

I was going to go into brain hurting details about the stimulus, but Clark Howard did a fantastic job at his website!  So, he can hurt your brain instead of me.

Summer Hours:

We will be reducing our office hours effective April 15th to only Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but we can always be reached by email for anything urgent.  We do expect quite a lot of our “April Filers” to become “July Filers” this year, so please don’t wait until the last minute!