It’s Tax Day!

It’s Tax Day!  Er, nope, not this year!  This year, Tax Day is July 15th, which is much closer to Election Day, so I’m not sure what Congress was thinking there.  I guess they figured the Stimulus Payments would buy some good will from tax payers / voters.  Someday, we can tell our great grand kids about the year that Tax Day got delayed!

About that…  Stimulus Payments have started going out in mass this morning, but it’s mostly just TY2019 filers with bank info on file at the IRS for now.  The rest are still “in process”.  If you haven’t gotten a refund from the IRS the last 2 years (like me), and you want your payment sooner (bank deposit) rather than later (mailed check), the IRS has created a Get My Payment web Portal.  I encourage EVERYONE to track their stimulus payment status at the Portal, which is probably why it’s a bit lagged at the moment (I have that many followers!).  BTW, I heard Trump’s signature is on the Stimulus checks, so if you’re an Autograph (it’s OK, you don’t have to admit it), you may want to have a check mailed for your collection!

If you had your tax preparation fee withheld from your refund, the Get My Payment portal will have a “not mine!” bank account listed initially.  Don’t panic!  The IRS just has the bank that processed the fees on account instead of yours, but they won’t keep your money.  They will send it back to the IRS and it will be reissued as a paper check.  WE THINK, you will then be able to give them “your real” bank info via the Portal.  This will likely take a few days, so just keep checking the Portal every morning.

Office Hours Thru Tax Day (July 15):

We will be reducing our office hours effective April 15th to only Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9-4.  We will, of course, still check email daily, so that is the best way to reach us for anything urgent.