Tax Facts 2022 Newsletter and Coupon

Our January 2022 Newsletter has been posted to our website, and it’s another pandemic year! Oh boy! The IRS still hasn’t caught up from last year, so they’d like to ask us for more patience and understanding… Oh, and a lot more money for their budget! Come on, man!

The first day we can efile personal income tax returns this year is January 24, 2022 (hey, at least it’s January this year!), but we can prepare your taxes right now (assuming you have all your tax docs) and have them ready to go when the IRS opens.  Most refunds won’t start getting funded until mid-February at the earliest, but if you need the $$ sooner, we can do Refund Anticipation Loans of up to $6000. 

Our office hours for January are M-F 9-2.  We will have extended hours including Saturdays starting Feb 1st.  Please call or email if you have any questions or want to make an appointment.

Reminder – You can Securely Send Files to Tax Facts using our secure portal (like OneDrive or Drop Box).  Just click the link in this email or at our website and use the Guest Upload button if you don’t have an account.  This is much safer than emailing us your information without encrypting (password protecting) it.  We will also use our TFsecure portal for e-signatures and e-payments again this year.