It’s Crunch Time!

If you were worried about us staying busy enough this year, let me put your mind at ease!  It’s been a bit crazy here the last few weeks, and we have a longer backlog of drop-offs than I’d like, but maybe this means we won’t have many last minute filers?  LOL.  Yeah, right!  If you’ve already sent us your tax information and are waiting to hear from us, rest assured, it will be soon, but feel free to call or email me if you want a status update.

If you haven’t already sent us your tax information, it’s crunch time baby!  Tax Day this year is April 18, 2022.  Just a few weeks from now!  You still have time to get your documents to us, but the clock is seriously ticking away.  We also have limited appointments available in our office, so please schedule ASAP if you want to come in to see us.  Alternatively, let me know that you need an extension until October 15.  Keep in mind that this extension is time to file, not time to pay, and the IRS will assess interest on any balance due starting April 18.  

Side Note – The Georgia Legislature has passed a tax rebate of $250 per person ($500 for joint files).  I don’t have details yet and would be shocked if they kept it THAT simple, but it’s in the pipeline and looks like it will happen.  Amazing, politicians passing a tax rebate with an upcoming election this year!  If you’re not in Georgia, neener neener!  I jest, many other states are also pursuing tax rebate initiatives for their citizens.

“Scanning” docs with your phone – Yes, you can “scan” documents with your phone’s camera in a pinch (a real scanner is still way better), but please don’t use the default camera app.  It’s meant for pics of you and your gorgeous dogs, not documents.  For docs, there are tons of apps (mostly free) like SwiftScan that optimize your phone’s camera settings and help you keep everything neat and organized.  They also help my sanity considerably…

As always, feel free to call or email me with any questions.